INCLUDE VECTREX.INC LIST ON SETDP $D0 Carts start up with DP = $D0 FCC /g GCE 2001/ FCB $80 FDB $FF8F FCB -8,72 h,w FCB 32,-48 y,x FCC /VEC TEST/ FCB $80 FCB $00 INC Vec_0Ref_Enable This is kind of important Start LDX #Vector_Table Get address of vector list Loop JSR DP_to_D0 Vector routines want DP = $D0 SETDP $D0 LDA #$CE Reset0Ref left the integrators in zero STA VIA_cntl mode, so set /BLANK low, /ZERO high JSR Mov_Draw_VLcs Draw vector list (calls Check0Ref) LDD ,X End of list if count=0 and scale=0 BNE Loop Go back for more if not end of list * JSR DP_to_C8 Music routines want DP = $C8 * SETDP $C8 * LDU #music (if we had something to play) * JSR Init_Music_chk (if we had something to play) JSR Wait_Recal Wait for time to draw next frame SETDP $D0 Wait_Recal sets DP to $D0 * JSR Do_Sound (if we had something to play) BRA Start Go back to draw next frame Vector_Table * These first four were ripped off from the 4D Rotocube demo FCB 2,80 count,scale FCB 127,0 Y,X FCB -127,0 y,x FCB -127,0 y,x FCB 2,80 count,scale FCB 0,127 Y,X FCB 0,-127 y,x FCB 0,-127 y,x FCB 2,80 count,scale FCB 127,127 Y,X FCB -127,-127 y,x FCB -127,-127 y,x FCB 2,80 count,scale FCB 127,-127 Y,X FCB -127,127 y,x FCB -127,127 y,x * And now some octagons. They are drawn clockwise, with * the origin point at the left end of the topmost line. * * Note that they come out brighter than the longer lines, * probably because the lines are being drawn in a constant * time period (which would be the scale factor). Hopefully * this effect is only visible with the longest of lines. FCB 8,80 count,scale FCB 96,-64 Y,X FCB 0,5 y,x FCB -5,5 y,x FCB -5,0 y,x FCB -5,-5 y,x FCB 0,-5 y,x FCB 5,-5 y,x FCB 5,0 y,x FCB 5,5 y,x FCB 8,80 count,scale FCB 96,64 Y,X FCB 0,5 y,x FCB -5,5 y,x FCB -5,0 y,x FCB -5,-5 y,x FCB 0,-5 y,x FCB 5,-5 y,x FCB 5,0 y,x FCB 5,5 y,x FCB 8,80 count,scale FCB -96,64 Y,X FCB 0,5 y,x FCB -5,5 y,x FCB -5,0 y,x FCB -5,-5 y,x FCB 0,-5 y,x FCB 5,-5 y,x FCB 5,0 y,x FCB 5,5 y,x FCB 8,80 count,scale FCB -96,-64 Y,X FCB 0,5 y,x FCB -5,5 y,x FCB -5,0 y,x FCB -5,-5 y,x FCB 0,-5 y,x FCB 5,-5 y,x FCB 5,0 y,x FCB 5,5 y,x FDB 0 end of list END