6-2Format Definition


The EM-180 Diagnostic Emulator may be configured with an enhanced firmware package that includes a disassembler. The disassembler firmware gives the EM-180 the ability to output the contents of the Trace Memory and emulation processor registers to the serial port, in this way a readable and attractive display may be created on a CRT or hardcopy terminal.

The disassembly firmware is disabled when the EM-180 is first powered up and must be enabled before use. The following procedure will make the EM-180 ready to operate with an ASCII terminal and disassembly firmware:


1. Connect the terminal to the EM-180 using an appropriate cable. The minimum circuits that must be connected are:

Pin 1 - Protective Ground

Pin 2 - Serial Data Out

Pin 7 - Signal Ground

Some RS-232 terminals may also require the following connection:

Pin 20 - Data Terminal Ready

Take care that Pins 10, 11, 12, 13, 22, 23, 24, and 25 are not connected to incompatible circuits. See 9-1, Auxiliary Connector.

2. Set the Baud Rate Selector switches of the EM-180 and the terminal to compatible settings.

3. Check the setting of Option Switch 3. If Option Switch 3 is open (up), then the EM-180 will not output serial data unless the Clear-to-Send signal (Pin 5) is high. If the Clear-to-Send signal is not important in your application, set Option Switch 3 to the CLOSED (down) position and the EM-180 will output data on command regardless of the state of Pin 5.

4. Enable the disassembly firmware by executing the Code Function E1, E2, or E3. The EM-180 is now ready to output to the terminal device. See Table 6-1 for format selection information.

The disassembly firmware may be turned off by executing Code Function E0.

Operate the Em-180 in the normal manner. Any time that the Em-180 transfers from RUN to PAUSE, the disassembly firmware will format and dump a part of the contents of the Trace Memory to the terminal; normally 24 lines of output are produced. The last line output represents the last instruction executed and the firmware will then output the register display.

If the EM-180 is operated in single-step mode, the firmware will output the register display after every instruction.

The disassembly software is designed so that 20 lines of output are produced each time the emulator transfers from RUN to PAUSE; this amount of data provides approximately a full screen on most CRT terminals. If output of the entire contents of the Trace Memory is desired, execute Code Function D8. This Code Function will execute even if disassembly is not enabled, but the disassembly firmware option must be installed on the machine. All of the data in the Trace Memory will be formatted and output. Data output may be suspended for a moment by depressing the EXAM Key; when the Key is released, data output will continue.

NOTE: It is possible that the data recorded in Trace Memory does not represent actual machine execution of a program (for example, a block of data left by a memory diagnostic Code Function or a data transfer Code Function). In such a case, the disassembler will not format and output the data.

Table 6-1. Disassembly Format Selection

E0——(Disable Disassembly)
E1Flags, A, BC, DE, HL, SP80-Character Line
E2Flags, A, BC, DE, HL72-Character Line
E3Flags, A, BC, DE, HL, IX
IY, SP, Flags', A', BC', DE', HL'
Two 72-Character Lines


Figures 6-2.1, 6-2.2, and 6-2.3 show some lines from a printer connected to an EM-180. The various fields of the disassembly presentation are identified in the figure. All numbers that are output by the disassembler are in hexadecimal representation. Additional information about the fields of the display follows:

The address of the first op-code byte of the instruction.

The operation code of the instruction. Double op-code instructions are displayed with the prefix byte extending to the left of the column of op-code bytes. The two-line register display format will show the IX register contents underneath this field.

The operand bytes of the instruction (if any).

Op-Code Mnemonic
The operation code of the instruction given in mnemonic form. The two-line register display format will show the IY register contents underneath this field.

The operand field of the instruction is symbolic format, except that addresses and constants are given as hexadecimal numbers.

Data Transfer
Any data transfer operations that occur as a consequence of the instruction are shown here. The most common formats are:



The first format means that the processor wrote data 'DD' to address 'AAAA'. The second format means that the processor read data 'DD' from address 'AAAA'. The other formats are associated with I/O instructions and take the form:



The first of these formats means that the processor wrote data 'DD' to output port 'PP'. The second format means that the processor read data 'DD' from input port 'PP'. The two-line register display format will show the stack pointer contents underneath this field.

Data Transfer

Some instructions transfer more than one byte of data. The second byte of a data transfer will be shown in this field. If there are more than two bytes transferred, the additional bytes are shown in fields 6 and 7 on the following line. See, for example, the EX (SP), HL instruction which reads two bytes from the top of stack and then writes two other bytes to the top of stack. All of these transfers are easily seen from the display.


If a breakpoint occurred during the execution of the instruction on this line, it will be identified in this column by an asterisk ( * ).

Flag Register

The CPU flag register (condition code register) is shown in this field. Each of the five characters in this field represent one of the condition code bits as follows:

First- 'S' if sign bit is true.
Second- 'Z' if zero bit is true.
Third- 'H' if half carry bit is true.
Fourth- 'P' if parity/overflow bit is true.
Fifth- 'N' if subtract flag bit is true.
Sixth- 'C' if carry bit is true.

If any of the condition code bits are not true, the letter is replaced by a period. The two-line register display format will show the alternate (prime) flag register underneath this field.


The content of the accumulator after the execution of the instruction. The two-line register display format will show the alternate (prime) accumulator underneath this field.

BC Register Pair

The content of the BC register pair following the execution of the instruction. The two-line register display format will show the alternate (prime) BC register pair underneath this field.

DE Register Pair

The content of the DE register pair following the execution of the instruction. The two-line register display format will show the alternate (prime) DE register pair underneath this field.

BC Register Pair

The content of the HL register pair following the execution of the instruction. The two-line register display format will show the alternate (prime) HL register pair underneath this field.

Stack Pointer

The content of the stack pointer following the execution of the instruction. This field is not displayed in the 72-character line formats.

Figure 6-2.1 Code E1 80-Character Single-Line Disassembly Format

Address Op-Code Operand Op-Code Mnemonic Operand Data Transfer Data Transfer Breakpoint Flag Register Accumulator BC Register Pair DE Register Pair HL Register Pair Stack Pointer

---- ---- ---- ---- --------   ------- ------ - ----- -- ---- ---- ---- ----
0000   C3 2B00 JP   002B
002B   31 E030 LD   SP,30E0
002E   18 03   JR   0033
0033   2A B130 LD   HL,(30B1)  30B1<23 30B2<9D
0036   18 0C   JR   0044
0044   11 DD62 LD   DE,62DD
0047   19      ADD  HL,DE
0048   7C      LD   A,H
0049   B5      OR   L
004A   20 08   JR   NZ,0054
004C   3A 8034 LD   A,(3480)   3480<FF
004F   E6 40   AND  40
0051   C2 0D01 JP   NZ,010D
010D   DF      RST  18         30DF>01 30DE>0E
0018   C3 100E JP   0E10
0E10   E3      EX   (SP),HL    30DE<67 30DF<01
                               30DF>00 30DE>00
0E11   D5      PUSH DE         30DD>62 30DC>DD
0E12   F5      PUSH AF         30DB>40 30DA>10
0E13   33      INC  SP
0E15   3E CB   LD   A,CB
0E17   32 7430 LD   (3074),A   3074>CB
0E1A   1A      LD   A,(DE)     0167<3E
0E1B   32 7530 LD   (3075),A   3075>3E
0E1E   3E C9   LD   A,C9
0E20   32 7630 LD   (3076),A   3076>C9
0E23   13      INC  DE
0E24   21 9F30 LD   HL,309F
0E27   CD 7430 CALL 3074       30DA>0E 30D9>2A
3074>CBFE      SET  7,(HL)     309F<C0 309F>C0
3076   C9      RET             30D9<05 30DA<70
7005   FF      RST  38         7006<FF 30DA>70*..H... C9 003D 0168 309F 30DB

Figure 6-2.2 Code E2 72 Character Single-Line Disassembly Format

Address Op-Code Operand Op-Code Mnemonic Operand Data Transfer Data Transfer Breakpoint Flag Register Accumulator BC Register Pair DE Register Pair HL Register Pair

---- ---- ---- ---- --------   ------- ------ - ----- -- ---- ---- ----
0000   C3 2B00 JP   002B
002B   31 E030 LD   SP,30E0
002E   18 03   JR   0033
0033   2A B130 LD   HL,(30B1)  30B1<23 30B2<9D
0036   18 0C   JR   0044
0044   11 DD62 LD   DE,62DD
0047   19      ADD  HL,DE
0048   7C      LD   A,H
0049   B5      OR   L
004A   20 08   JR   NZ,0054
004C   3A 8034 LD   A,(3480)   3480<FF
004F   E6 40   AND  40
0051   C2 0D01 JP   NZ,010D
010D   DF      RST  18         30DF>01 30DE>0E
0018   C3 100E JP   0E10
0E10   E3      EX   (SP),HL    30DE<67 30DF<01
                               30DF>00 30DE>00
0E11   D5      PUSH DE         30DD>62 30DC>DD
0E12   F5      PUSH AF         30DB>40 30DA>10
0E13   33      INC  SP
0E15   3E CB   LD   A,CB
0E17   32 7430 LD   (3074),A   3074>CB
0E1A   1A      LD   A,(DE)     0167<3E
0E1B   32 7530 LD   (3075),A   3075>3E
0E1E   3E C9   LD   A,C9
0E20   32 7630 LD   (3076),A   3076>C9
0E23   13      INC  DE
0E24   21 9F30 LD   HL,309F
0E27   CD 7430 CALL 3074       30DA>0E 30D9>2A
3074 CBFE      SET  7,(HL)     309F<C0 309F>C0
3076   C9      RET             30D9<05 30DA<70
7005   FF      RST  38         7006<FF 30DA>70*..H... C9 003D 0168 309F

Figure 6-2.3 Code E3 72-Character Two-Line Disassembly Format

Address Op-Code (IX Register) Operand Op-Code Mnemonic (IY Register) Operand Data Transfer (Stack Pointer) Data Transfer Breakpoint Flag Register (Flag Register') Accumulator (Accumulator') BC Register Pair (BC' Register Pair) DE Register Pair (DE' Register Pair) HL Register Pair (HL' Register Pair)

---- ---- ---- ---- --------   ------- ------ - ----- -- ---- ---- ----
07E4   6F      LD   L,A
07E5   7C      LD   A,H
07E6   CE 00   ADC  A,00
07E8   27      DAA
07E9   67      LD   H,A
07EA   3A 7534 LD   (A,3475)   3475<4E
07ED   E6 08   AND  08
07EF   C9      RET             305A<BB 305B<07
07BB   C2 B807 JP   NZ,07B8
07B8   CD D007 CALL 07D0       305B>07 305A>BB
07D0   3D      DEC  A
07D1   78      LD   A,B
07D2   A7      AND  A
07D3   CA F007 JP   Z,07F0
07D6   3A 7E30 LD   A,(307E)   307E<57
07D9   83      ADD  A,E
07DA   5F      LD   E,A
07DB   3A 7F30 LD   A,(307F)   307F>4E
07DE   8A      ADC  A,D
07DF   57      LD   D,A
07E0   7D      LD   A,L
07E1   CE 00   ADC  A,00
07E3   27      DAA
07E4   6F      LD   L,A                        ...... 16 1B00 7D11 2416
       IX:3000 IY:0000         SP:305A         ...... 00 0000 0000 0000


The Z80 Line Assembler allows you to enter and assemble Zilog Z80 instructions into either the target system's memory or the EM-180's overlay memory. The line assembler recognizes all standard Z80 mnemonics as well as certain "assembler directives" detailed in section 6.3.2. The line assembler gives you a powerful software tool to aid in hardware/software debugging and software patching. It is az tool for creating small hardware/software checkout routines, patching existing software, developing software, debugging software, etc. It is not designed as an all-purpose editor/assembler software development package.


The assembler uses EM-180 scratch RAM addresses 3100H—32BFH

6.3.1 How to Use the Line Assembler

The line assembler assumes that a terminal is attached to the EM as described in Section 6.1.


Your typed entry will be overtyped by the asembled response unless you map RETURN into RETURN/LINEFEED. This is especially important to note when using a hardcopy terminal.

In the examples shown here, all entries and assembled responses are shown as if there is a RETURN/LINEFEED. (Responses are shown in bold type.)

To invoke the line assembler, enter on the emulator keyboard:

<code> <C> <0>

The following response will appear on the terminal screen:



At this point, lines may now be entered and assembled into target memory. When you want to stop using the line assembler, type the pseudo-operation "END" after the address prompt as in this example:

F004> LD A,D
F004 7A
F006> END
*** End of Line Assembly ***

The line assembler may be used to invoke the memory disassembler by entering a RETURN as the only entry on a line. This causes the memory disassembler to display the instruction located at the current value of the location counter and increment the location counter.


F000> <return>
F000 20F2 JR NZ, EFF4
F002> <return>
F002 F620 OR 20
F00C> END <return>
*** End of Line Assembly ***

6.3.2 Features Supported

All standard mnemonics are suported. The following assembler directives are supported by the Z80 Line Assembler:

Table 6.3-1 Assembler Directives

Assembler Directives

ORGSets the address pointer
=Sets the value of a LBL
ENDTerminates the line assembler
DEFTDefines as ASCII string
DEFBDefines a byte of memory
DEFWDefines a word of memory
LBLA temporary line assembler value
$Represents the value of the address pointer
PRETurns preview on or off

ORGInitially the address pointer is 0000H. Use ORG to change the address pointer.

-To change the address pointer to 0064H, enter ORG 100

=Use the equal sign with LBL to set or recall a local label value.

-To set label 1 to 100H, enter LBL1 = 100H <return> -To see the value of label 3, enter LBL3 = <return>

ENDTerminates the line assembler and returns control to the emulator keyboard.

DEFTTo enter a target string into memory, type:

DEFT text text text <return>

DEFBTo enter a single byte directly into memory, type:

DEFB AFH <return>

DEFWTo enter a two-byte word, type:

DEFW AFAFH <return>

$The current value of the address pointer.
PREToggles between the two forms of the line assembler prompt:
-The simple address pointer >
-A preview of the code at the address pointer.
LBLThe Single Line Assembler provides up to ten local labels in the form of LBL0 through LBL9.


No labels are initialized upon entering the Line Assembler. You must define a label before using it. The allowable label operations are defined below.

LBLn =Prints the current label value
LBLn = numberAssigns the value "number" to the label
LBLn = $Assigns the value of the current location counter to the label

Any mnemonic and all assembler directives except "ORG" and "END" may be preceded by a label.

Line Editor

Because the line assembler operates on a single line of text at any one time, there are only simple line editiing functions. These are:

Ctrl-H or BackspaceDeletes the character before the cursor
Ctrl-I or TabEnters spaces to the next tab stop in the line (tab stops are 10,20)

Numeric Bases

Numbers may be entered in either decimal, hexadecimal, binary or octal forms. All numbers output by the Line Assembler are in hex format. The following table illustrates the input formats:

Octal7342O or


6.4.1 Overview

The Z80 Memory Disassembler allows you to disassemble target memory (either overlay or user memory) and display the disassembled code on a terminal. The range of display is specified by loading the beginning and end registers prior to entering the disassembler (see below).

6.4.2 How to Use the Disassembler

To invoke the memory disassembler, first load the begin and end registers with the desired address range, i.e.

<reg> <4> <load data> ... enter starting address
<reg> <5> <load data> ... enter ending address

Next, start the disassembly by entering on the emulator keyboard:

<code> <C> <A>

You can control the display by entering

Ctrl-S (stop)


Ctrl-Q (resume)

6.4.3 Disassembler Output Format

The format of disassembled target memory is illustrated here:

F000C206F0JP NZ, F006
F003E3EX (SP), HL

6.4.4 Errors

Upon detection of an error, the line assembler displays an error message and then prints a prompt. The location counter is not update. The two possible types of error messages are:

Syntax errorIndicates a syntax error in the input line
Target write errorIndicates failure of opcode store operation to target system (or overlay)

If you have a syntax error, retype your input line. If you have a target write error, there are several possible conditions:

• The RAM overlay switches are not on.

• You may be trying to store code in an incorrect area, such as an address range where no memory is available.

• There is a possible problem in the target system, such as defective RAM or an addressing error (trying to write ROM).