4-1Execution Control
4-2Examination and Alteration of CPU Registers
4-3Examination and Alteration of Memory Locations
4-4Examination and Alteration of I/O Ports

A basic function of the EM-180 is to emulate the target system microprocessor. Effectively, the Diagnostic Emulator is a pin-compatible functional replacement for the microprocessor in the target system. The unit is designed to meet the timing specifications of the emulated processor and to minimize the increase in electrical loading of the user's system.

The EM-180 is always in one of two modes: RUN or PAUSE. If in the RUN mode, the EM-180 is emulating the target system microprocessor and executing the target system program at full system speed. The Trace Memory will be active (unless inhibited by external control) and all bus cycles of the emulated microprocessor are recorded for possible later display. In the PAUSE mode, emulation of the target system microprocessor is suspended and the operator is able to perform other functions such as manually examining or altering memory locations, I/O ports or internal registers of the emulated microprocessor; the operator may also review the history of the target program execution from the Trace Memory or execute one of the Code Function routines.


The operator controls of the EM-180 primarily through the Operator's Station Keyboard. Keyswitch groupings are designed for easy understanding and convenient use. The EM-180 display provides the operator with information about program execution, CPU status and EM-180 conditions. Table 4-1.1 defines the Display Panel indicators.

4-1.0 RESET Keyswitch

The red RESET Keyswitch always resets the microprocessor and initializes the EM-180 in the PAUSE mode. At this time the Address Display shows the program starting address. The program starting address may be changed at this time by entering digits with the hexadecimal keyswitches, or the current program starting address may be used. The option switches accessible at the Back Panel of the EM-180 may be used to set up one of several options concerning the RESET circuitry of the EM-180 and the target system. See Section 9-2.

4-1.1 RUN Keyswitch

Pressing the RUN Keyswitch causes the EM-180 to execute the target program beginning at the preset address or continuing from the last instruction executed. Execution is at full system speed with no extra wait states beyond those commanded by the target system. The activity of the executing program is recorded continuously in the Trace Memory. It is also possible to obtain a general view of the program activity by watching the displays. For example, it is possible to tell if the program is in a tight loop or ranging widely in the program address space by observing changes in the Address Display.

4-1.2 RUN BKPT Keyswitch

This Keyswitch starts the EM-180 running the target program in real time, as does RUN, except the breakpoint-stop circuitry is enabled. If a breakpoint is detected, the EM-180 will pause before executing the next instruction, and the display will show the cycle where the breakpoint was detected. Pressing RUN BKPT again will cause execution to resume until the breakpoint is again detected. The breakpoint-stop circuitry may be disabled during program execution by pressing RUN.

4-1.3 STEP Keyswitch

Pressing the STEP Keyswitch while the program is running causes the program execution to stop. The displays at this point show the operation code fetch cycle of the last instruction executed, with the address, op-code (data) and control signals visible. When the Diagnostic Emulator stops executing the target program, the following events take place:

1. The processor stops executing the target program.

2. The processor registers are saved in internal scratch pad memory and are accessible for display or alteration.

The operator, in effect, freezes the target program execution at the point reached when STEP was depressed. The operator then has several options:

1. Continue executing the program at full speed by pressing RUN.

2. Continue executing the program one instruction at a time by pressing STEP for each additional instruction execution.

3. Examine or change the contents of any of the processor registers.

4. Examine any memory or I/O address, and if the location is writable, store new data in it.

5. Review the last 252 bus cycles performed by the processor by decrementing through the Trace Memory.

The state of the target program is not changed by any of these operations (except as purposely altered by the operator) and program execution may be continued from the point where it stopped.

The program may be executed one instruction at a time by pressing STEP once for each instruction. If STEP is pressed and held down, the Diagnostic Emulator begins stepping at about seven instructions per second. The step rate than accellerates gradually from 7 steps per second toa bout 75 steps per second. Execution stops again if the keyswitch is released.

Table 4-1.1 Display Panel Indicators

CLKTarget system clock not operating.
Target system clock is low in frequency.
EM-180 not connected to target system.
RESETProcessor and Diagnostic Emulator held in Reset by a low on the RESET terminal of the microprocessor socket.

M1Displayed machine cycle is the first op-code fetch cycle of an instruction.
M1'Displayed machine cycle is the second op-code fetch of an instruction.
BKPTBreakpoint. Conditions set up for an output fromt he breakpoint circuitry were satisfied during the displayed machine cycle.
EXTExternal. External Breakpoint inupt low (active) during displayed machine cycle.
IORQInput/Output Request. Machine cycle being displayed is a data transfer from an input port address or to an output port address.
IACKInterrupt Acknowledge. Machine cycle being displayed is an interrupt acknowledge cycle.
RDRead. Machine cycle being displayed is a read from memory or read from I/O cycle.
WRWrite. Machine cycle being displayed is a write to memory or write to I/O cycle.

SSign bit is true.
ZZero bit is true.
HHalf-Carry bit is true.
P/VParity/Overflow bit is true.
NAdd/Subtract flags is true.
CCarry bit is true.

IENAEnabled processor is ready to respond to an interrupt. (Interrupts enabled)
INTInterrupt. The interrupt input (pin 16) of the Z-80 is low (active).
NMINon-Maskable Interrupt. The NMI input (pin 17) of the Z-80 is active.
BUSRBus Request. The BUSRQ input of the Z-80 is low (active).
WaitWait input (pin 24) of Z-80 is low. CPU is waiting. If the CPU is working with a system that requires some wait states, the indicator may be more or less dimly lit.
HaltProcessor has executed a HALT instruction and has entered the HALT state.
PauseReal-time emulation of the target program is suspended and the Diagnostic Emulator is awaiting another command.
BKPT ENABreakpoint Enable. Illuminate if the RUN BKPT detect circuitry is armed.

4-1.4 Breakpoint System

The Diagnostic Emulator incorporates a Regional/Relational breakpoint generation system to enable the user to monitor the operation of his program and to stop execution of his program when desired. The EM-180 contains two independent address comparators. Each of these comparators continuously monitors the 16-bit address bus of the microprocessor. In addition, each comparator may be qualified to respond to read cycles only, to write cycles only, or to both read and write cycles. The comparators may also be configured to repond to memory addresses or to I/O port addresses.

It is also possible to configure the breakpoint system so that a specified relationship must hold between the A and B breakpoint comparators before PAUSE occurs. The relationships that may be specified are the following:

1.A or BBreak if condition A or condition B (or both) is found.

2.A then B.Break if condition A is found followed some time later by condition B.

3.A<—>BBreak if any address in the range from A to B (inclusive) is found.

4.<—A—B—>Break if any address outside of the range from A to B is found. (including addresses A and B.)

Table 4-1.2. Breakpoint Qualifiers

0 - Disable4 - Not UsedC - A or B
1 - Memory Read5 - I/O Read D - A then B
2 - Memory Write6 - I/O WriteE - Range A to B
3 - Memory Read/Write7 - I/O Read/WriteF - Range outside A to B

The various breakpoint possiblities are set up by simple keystroke sequences. The breakpoint address and the breakpoint qualifiers may be changed independently of each other at any time the emulator is in the pause mode.

Some examples of these sequences follow.

Set up breakpoint comparator A to respond to read or write cycles at address 430016; disable comparator B.


[BKPT A] [4] [3] [0] [0] Set breakpoint address.

[BKPT A] [3] Set qualifier 3 (memory R/W).

Press and hold down BKPT A Key while qualifier is entered.

[BKPT B] [0] Set qualifier 0 (Disable).

Press and hold down BKPT B Key while qualifier key is entered.

On power up, the EM-180 sets the qualifiers for both breakpoint comparators for the A OR B relation (comparators operating independently of each other) and the memory read/write qualifier. The address to which each comparator is initialized is 000016. In the preceding example it was not necessary to alter the relationship holding between the two comparators, so the default A OR B relationship was not altered.

Set up breakpoint comparator A to repond to read cycles only at memory address 8A7216, and breakpoint comparator B to respond to write cycles to I/O port 1316.


[BKPT A] [8] [A] [7] [2] Set A breakpoint address.

[BKPT A] [1] Set A qualifier to 1 (MEMORY read).

Press and hold down BKPT A Key while qualifier is entered.

[BKPT B] [X] [X] [1] [3] Set B breakpoint address.

[BKPT B] [6] Set B qualifier to 6 (I/O WRITE).

Press and hold down BKPT B Key while qualifier is entered.

When the breakpoint circuitry is set up as desired, program execution may be started using RUN BKPT. The function RUN BKPT is the same as the function of RUN except that when the breakpoint condition occurs, program execution stops (after finishing the instruction cycle.) It is also permissible to start program execution using the RUN Key, and then later arm the breakpoint-stop circuitry by depressing RUN BKPT even while the target program is executing. Breakpoints may be disabled while the target program is executing by depressing RUN. The BKPT ENA indicator on the display shows the current breakpoint enable status of the emulator.

Set up write-only breakpoint range from 430716 to FFFF16.


[BKPT A] [4] [3] [0] [7] Set A to range beginning (430716).

[BKPT A] [E] [3] Set qualifier to 3 (Memory R/W) and E (Range A to B).

Press and hold down BKPT A Key while qualifiers are entered.

[BKPT B] [F] [F] [F] [F] Set B to range end (FFFF16).

In this example, two qualifiers were entered: one to specify that write cycle detection was desired and a second to specify that the A and B comparators are to work together to define a continuous range. With the specifications made as shown, the breakpoint circuitry whill repond to any write cycle to any address in the range of 430716 to FFFF16. Note that it was not necessary to specify any qualifiers for the B comparator; this is because the two comparators are linked together to provide address range detection and the qualifiers entered for A apply also to B.

Set up sequential breakpoint detection such that target program execution will halt after the A comparator has detected memory address EB2216 and then the B comparator has detected a write to I/O port 4816.


[BKPT A] [E] [B] [2] [2] Set A to memory address EB2216.

[BKPT A] [D] [1] Set A qualifiers to 1 (Memory Read) and D (A then B).

Press and hold down BKPT A Key while qualifiers are entered.

[BKPT B] [4] [8] Set B to port address 4816.

[BKPT B] [6] Set B qualifier to 6 (I/O Write).

Press and holdd down BKPT B Key while qualifiers are entered.

In this example, separate qualifiers were required for the A and B comparators because no restriction on the type of cycle is implied by the A then B relation as is the case with the RANGE qualifiers.

Table 4.1.3 shows the permissible breakpoint combinations.

Table 4.1.3. Breakpoint Combinations

A or BA then BA<—>B <—A—B—>
4Not UsedNot UsedNot UsedNot used
* Breakpoints A and B will both be of same type, such as MEM RD or I/O R/W. Type may be specified for either A or B and will be in effect for both comparators.


One of the most useful EM-180 features is its 252 bus cycle Trace Memory. The Trace Memory is organized as a ring buffer that records all target program activity. It operates in both real-time and single-step modes, and its contents remain in the correct sequence, regardless of whether the user operates the program wholly or partly in either of these two modes.

To review the Trace Memory contents, the EM-180 must be paused. The PAUSE mode is entered automatically when the program encounters a breakpoint, or it can be entered manually by depressing STEP. When the program enters PAUSE as a consequence of depressing the STEP Key, the Display shows the fetch cycle address and data for the last instruction recorded.

When a breakpoint event triggers PAUSE*, the Display shows the cycle where the breakpoint was detected, and the user can easily review the program activites leading up to the event. Depressing DEC allows the user to examine the last 252 bus cycles of program activity prior to the breakpoint. Depressing INC allows the user to review forward up to the last cycle traced. Depressing STEP advances the target program past the breakpoint event, one instruction at a time. Depressing TRACE allows the user to return to Trace Memory again after selecting another mode (i.e., MEM ADDR, I/O ADDR, etc.) and return the original program event or bus cycle to the display. The TRACE Key has no effect unless the program is already in PAUSE. STEP actually causes the emulator to execute another program instruction and this instruction is entered into the Trace Memory like all others.

The Z-80 machine instructions may have one or several bus cycles per instruction. The following two examples illustrate displayed Trace Memory contents, first after executing a simple instruction and then after a more complex one.


Cycle Addr Data Fetch RD WR
1 4000 41 X X

Single bus cycle instruction: Move contents of C register to B register. Assume the instruction location is address 400016 in the target memory. The Trace Memory records a bus cycle with the address of 400016, data of 4116 and control bits indicating that it is a fetch operation and a read cycle.

EXAPLE 2   LD (07055H), HL

Cycle Addr Data Fetch RD WR
1 4000 22 X X
2 4001 55 X
3 4002 70 X
4 7055 34 X
5 7056 12 X

Five bus cycle instruction: Cycle one fetches op-code 22 of the LD instruction located at address 400016. Cycles two and three read low order and high order bytes (5516 and 7016) of the 16-bit address located at 400116 and 400216. Cycles four and five write the contents of the HL register pair (3416 and 1216). The Trace Memory records all five bus cycles of the instruction. The address location, program data and op-code cycle are shown on the Display Panel for each bus cycle of the instruction. If the EM-180 had entered PAUSE and displayed Cycle 1 (the OP-CODE fetch), then the INC Key would be used to advance through the Trace Memory and observe the subsequent bus cycles.

Normally, the INC and DEC Keys move the trace index one cycle at a time. If the operator depresses and holds down the TRACE Key, however, the INC and DEC keys will cause the next or previous fetch cycle to be displayed without stopping on other machine cycles.


The Z-80 register contents may be examined by the operator, and if desired, overwritten with new data.

Register data is accessed for display by using the blue REG Keyswitch, followed by one of the hexadecimal keyswitches. This designates which register should be displayed. Table 4-2.1 shows the registers selected by the various keyswitches. Note that 4 through 7 do not correspond to actual Z-80 registers. These keyswitches are used to set up parameters for the Built-In test routines or User Code Functions. These Code Functions are described in alter sections. (See Section 7 and Section 8).

Examples of readout and alteration of CPU registers:


[REG] [B] B register contents displayed on address

[REG] [B] [LOAD DATA] [3] [F] B register is accessed and then overwritten with data 3F16.

[REG] [1 SP] Stack Pointer is accessed and displayed on 16-bit address display.

[REG] [2 HL] [LOAD DATA] [3] [C] [0] [0] HL Register Pair is accessed, and then the contents are overwritten with 3C0016.

The prime registers are accessed by depressing the hexadecimal key a second time. For example, the B-prime register is accessed in the following example:


[REG] [B] [B]

The first key depression will access and display the B register, but depressing the key a second time switches the display to the prime register. If the B key is depressed yet again, the display goes back to the regular register again.

All register contents are displayed on the Address Display. If the register has 16 bits, then all four digits of the display will be illuminated. If the register has eight bits, then the value is shown on the two low-order digits of the Address Display.

The Data Display is used for feedback to the operator of the register that has been selected. If the stack pointer is selected, the Data Display will show a '1' since the 1 digit key is used to select that register. If the B register is selected as in the example preceding, the Data Display will show a 'B'; if the B-prime register is selected, then a '1B' will be displayed.

Table 4-2.1. Keyboard Designators (After REG Keyswitch is Pressed)

(first key push) (second key push)
0 PC Program Counter
1 SP Stack Pointer
2 HL HL' HL Register Pair and Prime
3 DE DE' DE Register Pair and Prime
4 BEG* Begin Address (for programmed tests)
5 END* End Address (for programmed test)
6 ADDR* Address (programmed test parameter)
7 DATA* Data (programmed test parameter)
8 IX IX Register
9 IY IY Register
A A A' Accumulator and Prime
B B B' B Register and Prime
C C C' C Register and Prime
D D D' D Register and Prime
E E E' E Register and Prime
F FLAGS FLAGS' Flags and Prime

* Not an actual Z-80 register


Any memory location accessible to the emulated microprocessor may be accessed and displayed by the EM-180. If desired, new data may be written to the location.


[MEM ADDR] [4] [3] [1] [A] [EXAM] Address 431A16 is entered, and when EXAM is pressed, the EM-180 will read from address 431A16 and display the data obtained.

If the operator wishes to review a group of sequential memory location, this may be done by entering the initial address and examining that location as above; then examine successive locations by depressing INC.


[MEM ADDR] [4] [3] [0] [0] [EXAM] Examine data at 430016.

[INC] Examine data at 430116

. etc. Examine data at successive location, etc.

A memory location may be altered by entering an address, as shown above,

then entering data using LOAD DATA and finally storing the data to the selected memory address using STORE.


[MEM ADDR] [1] [3] [F] [E] [LOAD DATA] [5] [5] [STORE]

The above sequence writes the data 5516 to memory address 13FE16 in the target system.

Sequential locations may be quickly altered by incrementing the address after each data entry operation. For example, the following keystroke sequence enters a short program fragment into memory:


[MEM ADDR] [0] [8] [0] [0] Enter initial address 080016.

[LOAD DATA] [C] [3] [INC] Enter data C316 then store the data to 080016 and increment to 080116.

[0] [0] [INC] Enter data 0016 then store the data to 080116 and increment to 080216.

[0] [8] [INC] Enter data 0816 and store to 080216; increment to 080316, etc.

The EM-180 does not require redundant keystrokes. The unit assumes that if the operator has entered new data while a particular memory address is accessed, then the operator wants to store that data before going to the next address.

In all of the above examples in which INC was used, DEC (decrement) could also have been used.


Input/Output ports of the Z-80 may be accessed and displayed in a similar manner to that described for memory addresses, with two differences. The first is that the I/O ports respond to an eight-bit address and consequently only eight-bit addresses need be entered. The second difference is that the INC and DEC keyswitches do not perform an automatic read of the next (or previous) I/O port address. The intent of this characteristic is to help the operator avoid unintended reading of an I/O port, since this sometimes results in a change of state of complex I/O devices. For example, a complex interface circuit such as the Zilog PIO will change state when the input data register is read. The following is a keystroke sequence that may be used to examine data at an input port:


[I/O ADDR] [0] [3] [EXAM] Read and display data at Input Port 3.

[I/O ADDR] [1] [B] [LOAD DATA] [A] [0] [STORE] Data A016 is written to Output Port 1B16. (No READ cycle was performed at Port 1B.)